Thursday, June 20, 2013


So I got back to the physio again to see where my Achilles recovery was at. Overall it is looking good. I got given the go ahead to start running some longer runs, of which I wussed out on my first run and only went half way, but it pulled up fine so I'll now head out for the full length today. This run comprises of 5min slow warm up, 3x(10min run at moderate pace (130 - 140bpm), 2min walk/slow run recovery), 1x5min recovery, 3x(10min run at moderate pace (130 - 140bpm). This should end up at about total 10km. So I'll see how this goes and then step up to marathon training again in the next week or so.
So while at the physio, amongst all of the exercises and recovery stuff we went through, I had acupuncture on my calf muscles as they were ridiculously tight from all of the eccentric heel dips that I have been doing. The other reason they have got so tight is that I have a nerve issue in my heel which makes stretching my calves really difficult (which is a result of the inflamed Achilles). So I didn't cope so well with the acupuncture cos I hate needles, but it did make a huge difference, immediately releasing a lot of pressure on my Achilles and ankle, and I could really feel that my calves weren't as tight. A pain that had started occurring in the front of my ankle disappeared, it was amazing. Anyways, I'm still on with the same old exercises, but hopefully full time running is a lot closer now.

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