So I have been working on a 365 photo project this year, until the other day. I failed to take a photograph last Monday. I didn't take my camera to work, rushed home and then went swimming.
Upon returning from swimming we made dinner and were totally thrashed. I thought I gotta take a photo of dinner to do my photo for the day. Thats where it ended. I ate, showered and zonked out. I didn't even realise that I had forgotten till later the next day.
I had been disliking the project for a while as I didn't have the time to focus on it to do it well. Since I have failed and stopped pursuing the project, I have found that I am already taking more interesting photos, and I only take my camera when I want to. It's way more fun.
The rules I set myself for the project were cool, if you had a lot of time to work with them. The first part of the series in Vancouver and while I was unemployed in Adelaide are great. They adhere to the rules more or less, but also the rules at this stage of the project gave me ideas to seek out subjects.
Once full time work ramped back up and more intense triathlon training, I just ran out of time and motivation.
My goal for next year, and maybe the end of this year is going to be switched to making sure I produce one good photo a week. This gives me time to write about it, and choose a rally nice photo.
I hope you enjoyed watching.
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