Saturday, October 17, 2015

Windy Welly!

This morning was meant to be a nice morning for a ride! Instead we wok up to wind and rain. Classic Wellington. So instead of a rid a morning of lazing about, coffee, museli and music ensued! The dog is curled up on his pillow, showing absolutely no interest in confronting the elements!

This is probably one of the most relaxed Sundays I've had in a long time, which is funny as I am working the longest hours I ever have, but now my weekends are actually feeling like weekends. They are fun and relaxing! Mixing up some running or riding when I feel like it!

Anyways, we have been getting out and about a bit, exploring this amazing city, a lot of the time with our dog! So I thought I should update my blog with some pics :-) Enjoy!


Maraka Beach / Makara Beach Rd

Graffiti, grass and Sidewalk!


Trelissik Park

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