Saturday, December 27, 2014

Cape to cape trail run

While on our recent Perth road trip we spent some time on the strip of coastline between Dunsborough and Augusta, most well known for the strip of coastline associated with Margaret River, but as I discovered also lesser known for the amazing 135km Cape to Cape Trail.

I managed to run maybe 15 kms of this trail, and it was amazing. The most amazing views made the run an absolute joy and we quickly passed a few hours of trail running.

The first time we ran the trail was a 10km strip south from Hamelin Bay. This part of coastline was absolutely amazing. Quite rapidly Kate and I ended up far enough around the coast that we could no longer see our campground, and then for the next almost two hours of running it was only us, the trail and the ocean!

The beaches and vegetation varied so much from low coastat shrub to ocer head height dunal forest. Huge granite boulders jutted out of one beach, whereas the next beach would be lined with wave ravaged limestone cliff. The views were amazing and we wanted to keep going, however at 10km we forced ourselves to turn back, aware that the heat of the day would make the return leg way more taxing.

The run back flew by again, taking in the trail from a different viewpoint. Finally returning to camp the run was topped off with a ice cold swim in some of the clearest water I've ever seen.

Such an amazing run and just a great way to see some coastline that I would have not seen otherwise. Next step is an organised trail run along the whole 135km Cape to cape trail!

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