Upon returning to Adelaide, one of the first things I tried to track down was a good store for buying running shoes and apparel. Pretty much what I found was very disappointing, except for one store, which I found late in my searching, at which point I was starting to feel bummed out that there was no where to go for actual running enthusiasts.
The company I found is called the Running Company, they are in Unley and are rad. Chris runs the joint and is so freaking passionate about running, sharing his enthusiasm and getting you in a pair of shoes that you want. He ordered in some specific sizes for me without asking for payment - unlike every other store in Adelaide. He's got treadmills in store for gait analysis as well as a good lane way to take the shoes for a test run!
The Running Company supports local charities and backs local clubs and running groups. The product they stock is also stock that they believe in! They know their gear really well. Anyways, I have a pair of trail shoes now by innov8 - a company I probably wouldn't have tried, but the feel like they were made for my feet! I also got another pair of Verratas by Saucony, my fav 0mm drop road shoe, and once again, Saucony was a brand I could barely find anywhere else - I guess they are not fashionable or something like that - but they make damn good shoes!
Anyways - check them out: The Running Company
Monday, March 31, 2014
Final week of Jantastic, 10km tempo run completed in 41 mins, 21km long run completed with a mix of linear park and Ambers Gully Trail - needless to say the trail run thrown into the middle of a half marathon was a bit of an ask. Ambers Gully is steep! It was well worth it however as at 7 in the morning it was beautiful in Black Hill Conservation Park. There were so many Kangaroos out and I was the only person around. From the top of the Long Ridge Track I had views West over the city and the ocean, and to the East, the sun rising over the Mount Lofty Ranges and quiet a spectacular looking quarry!
Jantastic has been an awesome event to participate in. As I was returning from injury this year it really helped me set achievable goals and helped me stick to them. Early in January I would not have thought it would be possible for me to run a half marathon by now, nor to almost run a 40min 10km. I started with only 3 short runs a week in January - often in the snow as we were holidaying at ski resorts in North America. This was amazing though as I saw some beautiful scenery, with some of my favourite runs being through the forest along snowshoe trails in Lake Louise. Yes it was tiring running on snow, but so beautiful and something that I will never forget. I also ran in Seattle, with another favourite run being along the sea wall as the sun rose, running with my wife Kate. It was a cold morning, clear and crisp, and we just chatted and quite quickly ran out 12 km or so. This was followed with a coffee and snack at Pike Place market.
Running in Whitefish Ski Resort was interesting to say the least....I quickly resorted to the treadmill there, but yes I did manage a 10km outdoor run there.
Then Vancouver. Some of my nicest runs were along the seawall there, making the most of my last few weeks in Vancouver, and one of the best ways is to take in the amazing views from the seawall, as well as to run all the trails in Stanley Park. Such amazing memories! Now just to add on some extra places we landed in Hong Kong and we did some runs along Victoria Harbour, once again running is such a good way to see a new place, and it just enabled us to see more of Hong Kong than we would have had we not been running.
Finally after 3 years overseas we returned to our home town, Adelaide, and having Jantastic as a motivating factor, I stuck to my wekly runs and targets and got straight back into running in Adelaide, with a mix of road and trails. Needless to say, since returning 8 weeks ago, I have run some amazing trails and seen some truly amazing parts of Adelaide, with one of the most memorable being running Chambers Gully in a lightning storm.
The 21km run drew Jantastic to an end. I achieved what I wanted and it has now put me in a great place with a good foundation for some big races this season. I'm looking forward to Jantastic 2015 for sure!
Jantastic has been an awesome event to participate in. As I was returning from injury this year it really helped me set achievable goals and helped me stick to them. Early in January I would not have thought it would be possible for me to run a half marathon by now, nor to almost run a 40min 10km. I started with only 3 short runs a week in January - often in the snow as we were holidaying at ski resorts in North America. This was amazing though as I saw some beautiful scenery, with some of my favourite runs being through the forest along snowshoe trails in Lake Louise. Yes it was tiring running on snow, but so beautiful and something that I will never forget. I also ran in Seattle, with another favourite run being along the sea wall as the sun rose, running with my wife Kate. It was a cold morning, clear and crisp, and we just chatted and quite quickly ran out 12 km or so. This was followed with a coffee and snack at Pike Place market.
Running in Whitefish Ski Resort was interesting to say the least....I quickly resorted to the treadmill there, but yes I did manage a 10km outdoor run there.
Then Vancouver. Some of my nicest runs were along the seawall there, making the most of my last few weeks in Vancouver, and one of the best ways is to take in the amazing views from the seawall, as well as to run all the trails in Stanley Park. Such amazing memories! Now just to add on some extra places we landed in Hong Kong and we did some runs along Victoria Harbour, once again running is such a good way to see a new place, and it just enabled us to see more of Hong Kong than we would have had we not been running.
Finally after 3 years overseas we returned to our home town, Adelaide, and having Jantastic as a motivating factor, I stuck to my wekly runs and targets and got straight back into running in Adelaide, with a mix of road and trails. Needless to say, since returning 8 weeks ago, I have run some amazing trails and seen some truly amazing parts of Adelaide, with one of the most memorable being running Chambers Gully in a lightning storm.
The 21km run drew Jantastic to an end. I achieved what I wanted and it has now put me in a great place with a good foundation for some big races this season. I'm looking forward to Jantastic 2015 for sure!
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Adelaide back alley, the hidden workings at the back of the buildings. A side of Adelaide that you don't often see. This is the view from my perch where I sit for my lunch break. I think it is a cool view just because it is kinda a unique view for Adelaide, when I'm sitting there I feel like it could possibly be New York or some older American city; especially with all of the brick. It's funny when on a lunch break how you are able to find quiet and calm in any scenario, as long as it is a momentary change of pace the vista, regardless of what it is works wonders to take the mind off the office for a little while.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

What a delicious rockmelon, or cantaloupe. $1 from the Adelaide central markets, it was so sweet and juicy! I love the pattern of the seeds, and one of my favourite parts of dissecting a rockmelon is scooping out it's "brains". I messed around with just using the lighting in the room and a black scooped bar stool to get a nice "studio" lighting effect.

House sitting also encompasses all of the general day to day chores of house owning. Unfortunately it isn't only getting to mooch for free. Sunday night, trash cans go out, Monday after work, in they come all empty, ready to fill with society's waste. Not long now and we should have a place of our own that will require us to take on all of the mature duties ourselves :-) Gonna be much better than living out of the bag, thats for sure!

The linear Park trail as it meanders along the Torrens River. This trail has provided me with a beautiful and quick ride into work last week as well as a great running trail that offers a huge distance of path to run without getting boring. On Saturday afternoon while running a 12km recovery run, an Echidna croshis is just amazing and goes to show the importance of restoring green belts back to their original habitat.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
While wandering the banks of the Torrens River we came across these beautiful birds. They were quite timid, for this photo I was probably 5 - 8 metres away, using a borrowed 80 - 200 2.8, and this bird was ready to bail. It was looking right at me checking me out, making sure I didn't get any closer. It is perched in a Eucalyptus Camaldulensis, or commonyl known as a "river red gum", which is my favourite tree. The species is so beautiful and bold. Almost like a wise old grandpa, they impose a aura of wisdom and thoughtfulness. Photos such as this one are the reason why I love to get out in the beautiful Australian outdoors.
Hmmm, motion? Jazz, my brother in laws dog. Getting this dog to stay still long enough for a photo was hilarious. You have to make her think that you have food or something interesting so she will pause for a split second until she works out that you are full of it! It's taken a few days, but the two of us now have a mutual understanding - she leaves me alone, I leave her alone, and when the time is right we will play or I'll give her a tickle. This has worked well as she is ridiculously obedient when it is only me and her, she just curls up and goes to sleep. Pretty rad for such a young dog!
We are now housesitting out at Dernancourt, so being unsure of the time it would take to ride to work, I left super early, and got downtown way to early to start work. So I thought it would be a great opportunity to explore some early morning photo opportunities. This is under King William Bridge at the Torrens River. The morning light was shining right down the Torrens valley and illuminating the inside of the bridge with some really nice light. I loved the pillars and the way they fall off into the light in the distance.
Coffee in my favourite Parallel 69th espresso cup, made from my favourite Sunbeam coffee machine. Red Berry Espresso Sumatran coffee beans. Delicious and the best way to get a kick start for a morning training session.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
The pattern of the rear cassette. The machined holes to save weight and the fine ridges that help the chain shift gears. All little things that make this part of the bike such an interesting pattern. THis photo is fitting for today as I spent the evening cycling Norton Summit a few times, and hence I was back late, so my photo had to be taken indoors with artificial light. I do love my bike so it is always nice to photograph her!
I always associate the water droplets in the Calathamnus fronds with the beginning of winter. THe leaves always have these fine droplets after rain or on frosty mornings. I associate it so much with that damp cool smell of morning air just after rain. This is one of the first times I have seen these droplets this year. It's an exciting time of year with a change of seasons well and truly in the air.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Over the last weeks I have found a lot of solitude and peace in the Australian bush. I am reminded of many childhood memories in the hills with my parents whenever I am looking at or surrounded by the Australian environment. It has a calming effect on me and gives me a sense of nostalgia. Whether I am running, riding or just wandering through the Adelaide Hills, I always find peace and meditation.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Bike Riding
For me bike riding is one of the most therapeutic activities. People wonder how slogging your ass uphill can be therapeutic. Well it's the escape that is offered by being out there on a country road with no one else and the beautiful fresh country air! Yes pushing it uphill is difficult, but you can barely think of anything else while you are doing it - so when you have a lot of worries, or are stressed out, a bike ride is almost like a form of meditation to clear the head for a while.
I like leaving really early, yes it's dark, but there is no one else on the road except for the odd cyclist and very few cars. In a ride from 6am to 8am I would maybe pass one or two cars. The beauty of riding at this time too is that I get to see the sun rise over the Mt Lofty Ranges. It is always so spectacular to see those first rays of sunlight hit the hill sides, or if it is cold, when the first sun hits you and starts warming up your core.
One of the best things about an early ride is the endorphin kick that you get afterwards. I always feel so happy and relaxed. It totally sets me up for an amazingly productive day and I always feel like I've got the most out of it.
I like leaving really early, yes it's dark, but there is no one else on the road except for the odd cyclist and very few cars. In a ride from 6am to 8am I would maybe pass one or two cars. The beauty of riding at this time too is that I get to see the sun rise over the Mt Lofty Ranges. It is always so spectacular to see those first rays of sunlight hit the hill sides, or if it is cold, when the first sun hits you and starts warming up your core.
One of the best things about an early ride is the endorphin kick that you get afterwards. I always feel so happy and relaxed. It totally sets me up for an amazingly productive day and I always feel like I've got the most out of it.
Trail Running
This morning I wanted to go for a re is a loop trail run. There is a loop around Clealand that I have run part of, but not the whole way before. I was unsure how long the loop would be - I had suspected about 20km. I could have read the trail map, but that is boring. Why not just try it and see how long it takes.
So this loop starts at Chambers Gully trail head on Waterfall Gully Rd, heads up the Chambers Gully track and Bar Tail Spur track to Clealand Wildlife Park. From here you jam onto the Wine Shanty Trail that follows a fairly flat contour through some amazing natural vegetation. I was amazed at the variation of different vegetation over the duration of the run.
In the end the run was about 16kms. I started at about 6:15 I think; it was totally dark and I immediately started seeing flashes of lightning. As the run progressed, so did the storm cloud, slowly moving in right over me, which made sense as I was running up Mt Lofty, the highest hill in the area so that would make sense that the most weather would occur here. The lightning started increasing in frequency and was creating the most amazing views of the whole valley as it would light up momentarily, and then get plunged into pitch black again. The storm started getting really close at about 5km into the run, at which point I was seeing bolts hit the hill tops around me. The thought to turn around crossed my mind, however I figured the storm would pass, and it was just as far to turn around as to keep going! I just hoped that the storm would pass before I hit the top exposed ridge.
I ended up being correct, the storm had totally passed by the time I exited the treeline onto the top ridge, however to be careful I still ran closer to the trees to ensure I wasn't the highest conductor around! By this point the sun was rising opening up spectacular views back over Adelaide and the wooded valleys. Views like this make for such amazing runs, and you don't really notice the time or distance that you are covering. The fresh rain had caused the most amazing array or aromas to be released. The damp sweet smell of leaf matter and the undergrowth, the iconic Australian aroma of Eucalypt and that damp smell of fresh rain. These are all aromas that immediately generate a pang of nostalgia for me.
The final kms of the run were so amazing, finishing up back where I started, and seeing a lot of new trails to try along the way. At the trail head are two gigantic fig trees, so the run ended with a forage to collect a kg or so of fresh figs. What an amazing morning, some much needed meditation.
So this loop starts at Chambers Gully trail head on Waterfall Gully Rd, heads up the Chambers Gully track and Bar Tail Spur track to Clealand Wildlife Park. From here you jam onto the Wine Shanty Trail that follows a fairly flat contour through some amazing natural vegetation. I was amazed at the variation of different vegetation over the duration of the run.
In the end the run was about 16kms. I started at about 6:15 I think; it was totally dark and I immediately started seeing flashes of lightning. As the run progressed, so did the storm cloud, slowly moving in right over me, which made sense as I was running up Mt Lofty, the highest hill in the area so that would make sense that the most weather would occur here. The lightning started increasing in frequency and was creating the most amazing views of the whole valley as it would light up momentarily, and then get plunged into pitch black again. The storm started getting really close at about 5km into the run, at which point I was seeing bolts hit the hill tops around me. The thought to turn around crossed my mind, however I figured the storm would pass, and it was just as far to turn around as to keep going! I just hoped that the storm would pass before I hit the top exposed ridge.
I ended up being correct, the storm had totally passed by the time I exited the treeline onto the top ridge, however to be careful I still ran closer to the trees to ensure I wasn't the highest conductor around! By this point the sun was rising opening up spectacular views back over Adelaide and the wooded valleys. Views like this make for such amazing runs, and you don't really notice the time or distance that you are covering. The fresh rain had caused the most amazing array or aromas to be released. The damp sweet smell of leaf matter and the undergrowth, the iconic Australian aroma of Eucalypt and that damp smell of fresh rain. These are all aromas that immediately generate a pang of nostalgia for me.
The final kms of the run were so amazing, finishing up back where I started, and seeing a lot of new trails to try along the way. At the trail head are two gigantic fig trees, so the run ended with a forage to collect a kg or so of fresh figs. What an amazing morning, some much needed meditation.
trail running
I love these olive groves that are planted in the East Parklands around Adelaide. The gnarled old trunks are so organic and chaotic, but then they are planted in such neat rows. It makes for an interesting contrast.
Today we had just visited dad in hospital, and on the way home I decided to quickly dash by this olive grove to snap a few quick pictures. I think it makes for a very vibrant space.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Just out front of the Garden of Unearthly Delights this dude was jamming out hard on his broken up guitar. There was a huge crowd that I pushed to the front of to get this photo. He was such a dynamic artist, drawing everyone in with his energetic performance.
Kate and I were en route to see Kate Miller Heidke play an amazing concert. We had a bit of time to wander around the garden and take it in one last time for 2014. Until next year Fringe - you have been good to us this year.
Kate and I were en route to see Kate Miller Heidke play an amazing concert. We had a bit of time to wander around the garden and take it in one last time for 2014. Until next year Fringe - you have been good to us this year.
I love coffee! I can't believe this is the first time coffee has featured as one of my daily photos! Anyways, my Parallel 69th espresso cups just arrived from Canada. Stoked. So immediately I had to make an espresso with Red Berry Sumatran Coffee. Amazing coffee, bad ass crema, so good! Best way to start the day!
The Chilli Man
Probably the nicest Italian man I have ever met. Heart full of gold and he sells bad ass chillis. It was so fun hanging out with him and chatting about chilli varieties and life!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
This pretty much sums up how today went. Down the fu#&ing drain!
Fresh planted kale. Not sure how quick this will grow, but I'm already counting how much cash I'm gonna save.
A day for reflection, one of my best buddies, Heis, with his old man on his 30th birthday.
The girls at Sarah and Leons Wedding. A vibrant day of celebration, and a vibrant group of girls well animated in conversation.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Rundle Mall early Friday morning. Good for people watching while everyone is on the move to and from shops, jobs and other mysterious places.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
One of my favourite bonsai plants. I am feeling very stressed right now and I can always find solitude in my bonsai. I just sit and contemplate while pruning or just looking at them. The design of bonsai is an interesting one, as unlike normal design, you must foresee way into the future to predict how the plant may grow and what cuts or form changes will result in the most appealing specimen.
I have many bonsai, ranging in age but a lot are now 15 - 20 years old. Finally now that I am home from Vancouver I am able to take proper care of them again. This one was a gift from my sister for my 21st - 9 years ago. I can't believe that time has passed this quickly, it does not feel like 9 years.
The monk sitting below the tree has always been a nice touch that fills me with peace, like looking at him transposes my thoughts to sitting beneath the dappled light of a large tree and contemplating life and all its twists and turns.
One of my favourite bonsai plants. I am feeling very stressed right now and I can always find solitude in my bonsai. I just sit and contemplate while pruning or just looking at them. The design of bonsai is an interesting one, as unlike normal design, you must foresee way into the future to predict how the plant may grow and what cuts or form changes will result in the most appealing specimen.
I have many bonsai, ranging in age but a lot are now 15 - 20 years old. Finally now that I am home from Vancouver I am able to take proper care of them again. This one was a gift from my sister for my 21st - 9 years ago. I can't believe that time has passed this quickly, it does not feel like 9 years.
The monk sitting below the tree has always been a nice touch that fills me with peace, like looking at him transposes my thoughts to sitting beneath the dappled light of a large tree and contemplating life and all its twists and turns.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Today was a bit crazy, rushing around between meetings, visiting dad at the hospital and helping mum out. Somewhere in all of that I managed to get to the camera store to pick up my new 85mm f1.8. What a beautiful lens :-) So stoked I finally have it.
Today I made a quick trip past the market after dropping mum at the hospital. It had been a busy morning and I had not yet written in dad's card for him, so I wanted to grab a coffee at "The Big Table" and sit for a bit to write something nice and meaningful. I always find cafes to be a very inspiring and creative place for generating interesting thoughts.
A mans best friend. It's always appreciated to have a dog around when you are feeling low. Over the time that dad was in hospital Harry had a huge role in providing us all with companionship.We were all very grateful for his loyalty and silly ability for animals to be totally oblivious to the scenario and just lighten the mood with silly moments like this.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Unfortunately this photograph ends up in this location after a lot of previous on goings. It is a reflection of the past years really, but more so the past half year.
My mum deep in conversation with a family member.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
A photo shoot with two good friends. I got a lot of great photos of both Andrew and Joey (above), but I especially loved this shot and the vibrance that was brought out in Joeys features with the off camera flash.
It is so much fun working with an off camera flash and the results are awesome and well worth the time spent messing around with light positions.
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