Work In Progress

While I'm job hunting in Vancouver I'm going to build a few character rigs to test out some different concepts and to keep my skills sharp. Therefore I'm also going to have to model the characters too - but this is kinda cool as I'm getting a good chance to really think about edge loop flow and how this will effect the way the mesh deforms.

My quadruped has been on hold for a while as I have been building a new biped rig for my reel. Model courtesy of

Here is some work in progress videos of a current rig that I am building. These videos show a blend shape and cluster based face rig and the shoulder setup which is entirely joint driven. No corrective shapes or muscles are in the setup yet.

Work In Progress character rig. In this clip I am testing out the motion through the shoulders. I still need to add some good twisting so that the forearm can get into more poses. This is all just smooth binding and different joint skinning techniques, no corrective blend shapes have been added yet.

I have been paying close attention to two particular areas that have commonly caused issues on characters that I have previously rigged. These areas are the "pit" areas under the front legs and the rear legs. Previously I have had mesh cause really bad tearing through these areas and it has required a lot of corrective blend shapes to get certain poses looking nice. So I'm just working out the correct edge flow to resolve this issue before the rigging stage so hopefully the default deformation will be way nicer.

Heres a WIP image after a few hours of modeling.


Starting to rough out the wings:
